Understanding the Venmo Transfer Limit


3 min read

Venmo, a popular digital wallet, has become a go-to solution for millions who want to make quick and easy transactions. Whether it's paying a friend back for dinner or splitting a bill, Venmo provides a seamless experience. However, like most financial platforms, Venmo has certain transfer limits in place. In this guide, we'll delve into the specifics of the Venmo Transfer Limit, its reasons, and its implications for users.

Why Does Venmo Have a Transfer Limit?

Every financial institution or service has some form of a transfer limit. These limits are set for various reasons:

Security: To prevent large sums of money from being moved without authorization, which can be a result of hacking or phishing attempts.

Regulatory Compliance: Financial regulations often require limits to prevent money laundering or other illicit activities.

Operational Concerns: Ensuring the platform remains stable, especially during peak transaction times.

What Are Venmo Transfer Limit

For a regular Venmo user, the transfer limit is set at $299.99 per week. This includes payments made to others, payments received, and purchases. However, once a user verifies their identity by providing details like their Social Security Number, the limit jumps to $4,999.99 per week for person-to-person transactions. Other limits include:

1. $6,999.99 limit per week on a rolling basis for sending to authorized merchants.
2. A combined limit of $6,999.99 for all transactions.

How To Check Your Venmo Transfer Limit

You can quickly check your remaining limit by:

1. Opening the Venmo app.
2. Going to "Settings".
3. Tap on "Payment Methods".
4. Here, you'll see your weekly limits and the amount you have left.

What Happens If You Exceed the Venmo Transfer Limit?

If you try to transfer an amount that exceeds your limit, the transaction will be declined. You will need to wait until your limit resets, which happens on a rolling 7-day basis.

Can You Increase Your Venmo Transfer Limit?

Currently, Venmo does not offer an option to increase the Venmo transfer limit beyond the $4,999.99 for verified users. It's always a good idea to plan significant transactions ahead of time to avoid any inconvenience.


Q: Why was my Venmo transaction declined despite being under the limit?

A: Other reasons, such as insufficient funds, could cause a decline. Always check your linked account balance.

Q: Can I have multiple Venmo accounts to bypass the transfer limit?

A: While you can have multiple Venmo accounts, it's against Venmo's terms of service to use this as a way to bypass limits.

Q: How long does it take for my Venmo limit to reset?

A: The limit resets on a rolling 7-day basis from the time of your first transaction within that period.


Venmo transfer limits are in place to ensure the security of its users and maintain regulatory compliance. While these limits might seem restrictive to some, they serve a purpose. Understanding these limits and planning your transactions accordingly can lead to a smoother experience on the platform.